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Chemical Free Fruit Growing Course

Starting Friday 3rd February

A four week Course on Fridays Starting Friday 3rd February until Friday 24th February from 10 am until 2pm, at the Windmill Community Gardens in Margate.

The cost of this course is £100 for the four weeks: 3rd February, 10th February, 17th February and 24th February.

All sessions will be a mix of theory and practical aimed at beginners and those with some experience of fruit growing who want to expand their knowledge, increase yields using regenerative practices.

Please bring your own lunch, gloves and secateurs if you have them.

Week one of Four: Fruit Trees – Preparation, Planning and Planting.
We will be looking at choosing fruit trees (root stocks, varieties for diseases and pests resistance, pollination, locality, taste etc). Where and how to plant, different soils. The following varieties will be covered, Apples, Pears, Plums, Damsons, Cherries, Figs, Apricots, Quince, Mulberries and more.

Week Two of Four: Fruit Trees – Fruit Tree Management.
We will be discussing caring for your trees, fertility, mulching, watering needs, pests and diseases. Pruning for establishment, renovation and better yields. Food Forests.

Week Three of Four: Bush Fruit and Cane Fruit.
This week we will cover selecting, growing, pruning, taking cuttings and establishing new plants. Varieties will include Raspberries, Blackcurrants, Gooseberries, Jostaberries, Blueberries and more.

Week Four of Four: Soft Fruit and Climbing Fruit.
This week we will look at selecting , growing and propagation. Including Strawberries, Rhubarb, Grapes, Tayberries, Japanese wineberries, Passionfruit and more.

Booking essential, sign up today by following this link.