Family Field to Fork (Block booking for FOUR sessions) with Steph
Join us on over 4 Wednesdays in August (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th August) from 2 - 4pm
Learn with the family in this fun and practical 4 session course looking at growing, harvesting and eating delicious healthy food!
Each one exploring our food: where it comes from, how we grow it here and what you can do with it when you get it home! These sessions will involve gardening, growing, learning, cooking and eating together. We will discuss sustainability, health & nutrition, organic growing, the benefits of seasonal and local food, all whilst getting our hands in the earth for some experiential learning and cooking.
Suitable for ages 8+, children must be accompanied by an adult.
As these sessions will involved cooking please only bring up to 2 children per adult.
Each workshop will have a different hero as the focus; starting out with the humble potato! Join us on Wednesdays in August for Field to Fork the Windmill way. Everyone is welcome, but particularly perfect for pre-teens, teens and their parents.
This workshop is a part of the Windmill Community Gardens Community Roots Programme which is a new project which has been funded by funded by Thanet District Council as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, and we are extremely grateful to have this opportunity to collaborate with local facilitators and volunteers, to become a Community Hub for learning and wellbeing.
Recommended Age
Suitable for ages 8+, but particularly perfect for pre-teens, teens and their parents.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
As these sessions will involved cooking please only bring up to 2 children per adult.
How much does this workshop cost?
We have 3 ticket price options, this price covers 4 separate workshops:
Supported ticket for £0 (for people on low income, in or out of work)
Standard ticket for £28 (for people in employment or with a steady income)
Supporter ticket for £56 ( for middle to high earners with disposable income beyond cost of living)