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Weekly Veg Bag Scheme

The Windmill Community Gardens Margate, veg bag scheme is supplied with produce grown at our Market Garden which is a one acre site located just behind Drapers Mill School in Margate. Our Market Garden is run by our two growers with the help of volunteers, and participants on work experience. We are a chemical free site and grow to Organic standards – although we are currently not registered as Organic.
We supply the scheme all year round with seasonal produce, there are times of the year (January – April/May) when our supply is lower due to the gap between growing seasons. At this point we include produce grown at other local organic and chemical free farms (we try and source from as local to us as possible).
Every Wednesday we pack the veg bags using reusable paper bags. On Thursday morning we deliver the bags to local collection points around Thanet (including one in Whitstable)

Where do you deliver to?

We have numerous collection points around Thanet (including one in Whitstable), they include:

Windmill Community Gardes

Staples Store in St Peters

Queens Road Baptist Church, Broadstairs

The Vincent, Ramsgate


The Potting Shop, Cliftonville

Oast Bakery (currently FULL for new customers)

The Grain Grocer

Formerly Known as Haeckles

How much does it cost?

We currently have two bag sizes to choose from:

Standard Bag for £12 per week – this bag includes 6 items

Small Bag for £11 per week – this bag includes 5 items

We also have the option of having a veg bag on alternate weeks and add on items.

How does it work?

Sign up via our Ooooby site, once signed up we will be in contact confirming your start date. You will then be good to go!

Payments will get taken on a weekly basis, and your veg bag will remain at the collection points for you to collect.

Please note all collection points have different opening hours,

Our customer accounts via Ooooby make is quick and easy to log in and amend your order, if you are going away or if you find out one collection point doesn’t suit you once signed up its very simple to change to another collection point.

Do you have another question?

Please feel free to email martina our veg bag co-ordinator on

Start your volunteering journey now!

What we do:

* Gardening Club
* Veg Bag Scheme
* Community Wellbeing
* Urban Biodiversity
* Chemical-Free Food Growing
* Children's Groups
* Forest School
* Workshops & Courses


Dane Valley Rd

Dane Valley




© 2025 Windmill Community Gardens Margate