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Could you tell us which of these best describes your employment
1. Was your first visit to the project in the last 3 months
Selected Value: 1
1 (not at all) 5 (some) 10 (a lot)
Selected Value: 1
1 (not at all) 5 (some) 10 (a lot)
Selected Value: 1
1 (not at all) 5 (some) 10 (a lot)
5. Have you prepared or tried growing, tasting or cooking seasonal food since coming to WCGM
6. Local community (could be your street, area, friends & family or like minded people) – tick all those that apply
7. If you were looking for more social opportunities, have you found them here?
Selected Value: 1
1 (not at all) 5 (some) 10 (a lot)
9. Have you begun any of the following since starting at WCGM
10a. Have we let you know about any other organisations ?
10b. If yes, have you been to that service?